Monday 22 February 2010

Forum for Scanners

If you want a place to meet other Scanners then the Barbara Sher's Forum for Scanners is a good place to start.  I've only just discovered  it myself.  Unfortunately at the moment there does not seem to be lots of activity on it but its worth a look.

Understanding that there are lots of like-minded people out there feels good.  Its also a great place to explore ideas that the book Refuse to Choose does not cover.  For example, what are Scanner relationships like?  It has ocurred to me that if a Scanner has trouble sticking to just a few things does this apply to their social life too?  Are Scanners more likely to be serial monogomists or live in open relationships?  Do scanners have many friends too?  Do they get bored of their friendships?  This is a whole new and interesting topic.

Friday 19 February 2010

Refuse to Choose

 I have purchased Refuse To Choose by Barbara Cher from Amazon and it is so illuminating.  It talks about Scanners and helps them to understand that their's is a great way of being.

The first thing that Barbara Cher recommends is buying a Daybook within which you can start to chart all your ideas.  The aim is to get into the essence of being a Scanner without shame or embarassement.  This book is aimed at being a celebration of who you are.

I went out today and purchased a Daybook and am really looking forward to using it.

The premise behind the book is that scanners should plan to do everything that they want.  Much of what the book talks about goes against the grain of conventional wisdom.  Yes, for me its inspiring, affirming and very, very exciting.

iPhone Delight

I have an iphone now.  It's a Scanners delight and fantastic for people who want to get organised wherever they are.  In theory it will help me do more with less effort.  Unfortunately it will not do my housework.

The only downside is that it loses memory really quickly.  Mind you - it is doing a lot of powerful stuff!

The apps available are large in number and there is something for everyone.  I've spent most of the last 24hrs playing around with my iphone and sadly, actually fell asleep with it in my hand.  I played with it in a cafe today and found I wasn't concentrating on what I was eating and dropped food onto my chest.

I love all my technology - laptop, pc and now my iphone.  Joy.